Sunday, December 16, 2007

Technology Rant

No, this isn't a rant against technology. It's a rant against people who use the term as an excuse to be lazy. I used to work at another library where an older colleague used to fetch me every time a patron wanted to change a font in a Microsoft Word document. "She's our computer expert," she would say. Puleez! I still get called to unjam printers with the line "Maxine's great with the technology stuff." I do not consider myself a technological whiz kid. I am willing to try things and don't get frightened by computers, which I guess gives me a leg up on your average bear. But still, I'm learning from this series of exercises that there's plenty of technology with which I am totally unfamiliar.

The problem with Learning 2.0 is that it's not mandatory. Thus, the people who already have an interest will explore, and those who don't will ignore it and go on their merry ignorant way. Tis pity.

1 comment:

hood_and_hat said...

I wish we could make learning 2.0 mandatory, but I understand why it is not. That said, I wish everyone was required to sign up and scan the topics posted to QL Chat at least once day.